Zoysia Grass Varieties Well Adapted to Austin, San Antonio,
and Most of Texas
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If you need Palisades Zoysia turfgrass sod developed to thrive in the demanding climates of San Antonio and Austin or anywhere in Central and Southern Texas, please give us a call at 1-800-753-5182 or 1-979-244-2496. Palisades zoysia grass is generally well-suited for use in the same areas of Texas as Bermudagrass. It has moderate to good shade tolerance and can stand moderate foot traffic. It’s drought-tolerant, but it may turn brown during a prolonged dry spell. Palisades Zoysia japonica, is a vegetatively produced, medium broad textured, high density turf noted specifically suitable for home lawns, golf fairways and roughs, sports fields, industrial parks and highway medians.
Palisades will tolerate mowing as close as one half inch with good weed competitions and ideally as high as two to two and a half inches for home lawns. Palisades close mowing would permit use on golf course fairways especially where
water availability is a concern.